What does becoming like Jesus look like?

Jesus Christ is alive in Nicaragua! I have been able to travel to several developing countries up till now, but this is my first official mission trip and it has been a blast!!!! There have been many trials, and headaches, but God is alive and has been speaking to me. I’ve noticed over the years that back in the states people come and go and we (me included) end up basically throwing money to countries and orginaztions to “do our good deed”….or “provide for the poor.” While money is needed, I believe LOVE is needed mucho mucho more. I have seen the people here, we have visited several villages of different financial statuses, and what I see they need most is LOVE. They need people to love on them, and be the face for Jesus Christ. Jesus would go to the worst places and show his love. He didn’t throw money at people, he provided and then taught and spent time with them. He would bend over backwards, and help people beyond their expectations. He spent lots of time in prayer, and meditation also.

We have gotten to do all this in Nicaragua. We have done countless projects on the mission project land including pila repare (water collection site for the project), we loaded and delivered and unloaded 500 brick blocks that were made on the project land to a village where they were starting to build a house. We have painted several buildings on site. We have also gotten to work on and turn an extra room into a couple’s bedroom by sledgehammering the foundation and digging under the foundation to connect drain pipes. Off site we have gotten to do many things like reading and drawing with kids, providing food to hungry families, and playing futbol (soccer) with kids in the villages. We have made trips into town to get supplies (much harder than you think), and gotten to see what it’s really like to be more of a “local” in Nicaragua. Most all these are physical things, but you do them in the name of Jesus Christ, just as he would have done.

Spiritually, Jesus has torn my worldly view of developing countries, and worship with other brothers and sisters apart. Its unbelievable to sing and learn Spanish worship songs. It doesn’t matter what language you sing is, you are making a joyful noise and singing with the Nicaraguans praising God united despite the language barrier is beautiful. He has shown me that the American way of efficiency and quantity is worthless. If you don’t enjoy the here and now how on earth is Jesus going to be shown through your actions. I have learned to SLOW DOWN and have patience. Stop and smell the roses, pray continually, let God speak to and through you in everything you do. All this can happen if you do tasks and walk through life at a normal rate. You will be rewarded by just working at your speed and not doing too much in one day.

The people of Nicaragua are wonderful. Everyone is so loving and generous. The staff here on site are the most unselfish, friendly, and happy people I have ever met. They themselves are a great portrait of Jesus and how he loves others. I have been blessed by all of them.

On this trip, I have gained another family. Everyone on this mission trip I love like a brother or sister. We would have each other’s back at any moment. We have grown together despite all the trials, difficulties, and HEAT and lack of water. But Man, I love everyone so much!!!! I hope I never lose touch with everyone on the trip and I pray that we can continue to do in Indy what we have done here in addition to continually keeping the country of Nicaragua in my prayers! This is a short snippet of what Jesus looks like.

(Written by Josh Henry – Nicaragua, June 2011)

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